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Condemning Bullshit. Again.

I am tired of this piece of shit going around (see image below).

While I agree that ISIS isn’t representative of the Muslim population, it is still necessary to condemn a religion that preaches death, violence, and intolerance. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. When you have over 300 verses in your holy book that condemn heretics, other faiths, and nonbelievers, you are not a tolerant peaceful religion (and I can feel a vein twitching as I write this). Arabic people can be peaceful, but the Muslim religion isn’t. However, even a moderate Muslim will know his Qu’ran better than any moderate Christian knows his Bible. And that isn’t a coincidence. Children are indoctrinated from a a young age. They are taught what to think, but not how to think They are taught that these infidels must either convert or die.

To compare Christianity or Judaism is fallacious, and a non sequitur. Neither religions have led a mass crusade or jihad for a long time. Their weapons, for the most part, have long since been lain down. Christianity has lost its bloodthirstiness not too long ago. Judaism was castrated when the Roman Empire took the scene. But Islam has hold of hat bone, and it’s not letting go. It will refuse to back down. It would grab hold of the world, and force it to follow sharia law, had the world given it the opportunity. While I disagree with Christians, I will readily side with them to face down the threat of Islam.

To say that ISIS isn’t Islamic is just pure ignorance, and being overly lenient to what is supposedly held sacred. To them, murder and jihad is sacred. Would you let them walk over you? Would you let them hold their knives to your throat as you begged them for your life? Do not respect this religion. It deserves no respect. It lost its right to be heard when the blood of babes painted their blades, when the viscera of mere children were torn from them by ISIS firearms. They lost their right to be heard as a peaceful religion when they destroyed the lives of innocent men, women, and children.

ISIS and other terrorist groups like it are nothing more than gangs and thugs with a religious conviction, holding innocent people hostage until they get what they want. They take pride and pleasure in the murder of innocents. They rape, torture, and butcher helpless people: the young, the old, the newborn. This is glorious to them. Allah will reward them for this. And with those acts, they have put lie to everything members of their faith have said about Islam being a religion of peace. They have lost the right to tell anyone what is right, and what is wicked. They won’t be halted by borders or reason. They come to vanquish and to subjugate.

They are nothing more than gangs and thugs, with access to 21st century weapons, and a 12th century mindset. Any religion this harmful to modern civilization is beyond defense. They have shown the fangs behind their smiles.

Those over in the Middle East have lost much since this kind of terrorism began. Those at knifepoint and gunpoint forfeited their lives. Those at the hilt or the grip of the pistol forfeited their humanity and their right to be heard, much less believed. Men with the blood of innocents on their hands have no ethics.

Do not respect this religion. It is harmful to those within and those without. Fight them with all your ability, whether you’re simply a blogger like me, or a soldier on the field. Make sure that news of their atrocities reach as wide as possible, to make sure that their ideas will not gain a foothold in a free land, like the United Kingdom.

Do not bow down to anyone. You are your own person. You do not bow to any god, least of all that would force you to kill a fellow human being.



  1. Ok, let’s start with Christianity. The old testament is full of commandments to kill unbelievers, witches, etc. Have fun condemning it. What? You think that by one interpretation, not shared by all Christians, that old stuff is not valid anymore? Guess what, the same is true for Islam.


    • ktrinh4213 says:

      Trust me, I will readily condemn Christianity as well (please read my other posts). I find that the New Testament is more evil than the Old. In the Old, you can simply die. In the New, you get tormented forever. But what I intended to focus on was the sheer violence displayed ever since the birth of Islam in the 7th century all the way until now.


      • Well, if you look back 700 years, then Christianity did as bad. So, Islam is in some regards simply not out of its dark ages yet. Much catching up to to. But I assume, quite honestly, that it will never be as effective in killing people as Christianity.


        • ktrinh4213 says:

          I was tempted to throw Christianity in there, but given that I was already on so much about Islam, I didn’t think it was fitting to suddenly diverge from the topic so suddenly.


  2. Roger Wilco | humanisthuman says:

    Most religions are harmful. Most are evil in some way. Most teach hatred in some form. Dio you really think hatred will fix that?


    • ktrinh4213 says:

      Do you mean I think atheistic hatred will fix them? No, not really. But the way I see it, it’s not really about hate. You can certainly sense my hatred in there, but it’s not about hate. It’s about not tolerating lies, intolerance (ironic as that is), bigotry, misinformation, among other things.

      And your comment got me thinking about myself. I’m not sure if I’m an atheist, anti-theist, humanist, or what. I know they’re not mutually exclusive, but… yeah, I don’t know.


      • Roger Wilco | humanisthuman says:

        I drew no inference as to your thoughts on a solution. Lies, intolerance, bigotry, and all the rest are sufficient cause for anger, frustration, and other emotions. My intent is simply to point out that hate is bad; really, really bad. It engenders hate in response, and your left with a self fueled fire that is near impossible to extinguish. All really bad.

        Regarding self identification, I suggest expending less energy in consideration of the label and more in awareness of yourself and your perception of others.


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