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Christian Forgiveness

I just saw a really interesting comment on Facebook. I wish I could link it, but because it’s Facebook I can’t. But the comment is this: “God forgives, so we’re supposed to forgive.” To put it in context, it was a “‘hate the sin, love the sinner” sort of situation, specifically on abortion. I know the poster means well, but to me as an outsider, it implies some things: 1) that you can’t forgive for the sake of forgiveness, and 2) if god hadn’t forgiven, you would be under no obligation to forgive.

As I’ve said, I’m sure the commenter means well, but I’m sure my fellow atheists have faced similar comments as this. I can’t tell if it’s a sad indictment on our society today when we can’t forgive anyone unless god happens to forgive them first, or if it just shows how weak our moral character is as a societal whole. Why can’t we simply forgive for the sake of forgiveness? Or for the sake of preserving our relationships with each other? Doesn’t it mean more that way? Doesn’t it mean more to say,”I still love you, even with all the mistakes you’ve made” rather than, “I’m forgiving you because my master said to do so (or because he did it first, or because it was right to do so)”? I’m not saying that all Christians do this, but a lot do seem to say it. Translating the apparent thought process behind it only serves to highlight how bad or even immoral it sounds.

And this is why I think atheism and non-theistic religions (such as Buddhism) are morally superior. We have no reasons to forgive other than that we love, we care, and we want to preserve relationships. I am, of course, not saying this is exclusive to atheism and non-theistic religions; anyone can do it. Atheism and non-theistic religions just generally don’t have ulterior motives.

And I find the argument similar to ignorant Christians saying that without God or the Ten Commandments, they would be going around raping, pillaging, murdering, and all other manners of atrocities. I know you can do better than that. Other atheists do too. While we still get some of the nutjobs out there who say they would do these things, or even sacrifice their child (Abraham and Isaac), but the majority of Christians will say that they would never do any of these things, least of all sacrifice their child.

To my Christian readers, think about what you’re saying. Is it right? Is it moral?

Love and forgive your neighbors because you do, because you think it’s right, not because you think it’ll get you right with god, or you think it’ll get you into heaven.
You are more moral than your holy book or your god.

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