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Why I Will Absolutely Yell At You For Being A Conservative: A Response Part 3

Thankfully, this is the last post I’m writing for now. There was too much stupid to handle with a modicum of intelligence.

8. “You’re ignorant.”

Yeah, you kinda are. Considering I’ve written over 2600 words (and counting) compared to your meager 1000, I’ve written a more substantive article than you, and I have a better understanding of the world around me as well as my country. I’ve backed up my claims with the available evidence. I’ve used the ideas of those better than myself as rebuttal to why you’re wrong. Saying “I know what I’m talking about” doesn’t make it so. I think I’ve pretty much proven that you’re ignorant. What I cannot determine is whether or not you’re willfully or unwillfully so.

9. “You’re crazy if you’d vote for Trump over Sanders or Clinton if he’s the chosen GOP candidate.”

Crazy is a relative term. Again, I would say you’re ignorant. You say you’ve watched the debate, read the articles, and gone to the websites. If you have, then you would understand why this is a dangerous man. This is a man who would force the military to perform war crimes. This is a man who, as I’ve said, would go to war with Mexico over a wall. This is a man who would “open up libel laws” so he can sue the press. So much for the man being for your constitutional rights. He also supports the Patriot Act, the act that employs the use of wiretaps, searching business records, surveillance of internet activity, recording phone calls, and text message interception. In short, he wants to violate your fourth and eighth amendment rights.

As for your claims about Hillary Clinton, the FBI investigations found that emails found on Clinton’s personal account had not come from her, but in fact her aides. As for Bernie Sanders, please see my article A Response to “Why I’m Not ‘Feeling the Bern’”.

I don’t hate Trump for being mean. He has a right to his speech, just as I have a right to mine, and you to yours. I hate him for his racist rhetoric. I hate him for setting this country back not 10 years, 20 years, but 60 to 100 years. I hate him for his xenophobic attitude for anyone who isn’t white, who doesn’t speak English. I hate his contempt for the poor. I hate that he called Mexicans rapists and drug dealers. I hate that he wants to ban Muslims, that he alienates those who need to be integrated. He has been used in Daesh recruitment videos.

He is America’s single greatest terrorist. He is Hitler reincarnate.

As for your wise man, I have two Bible quotes to throw back at you:

I do not suffer a woman to teach or assume authority over a man.

1 Timothy 2:12

And also this:

Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

Matthew 10:24

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