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Why Do I Talk So Much About Atheism?

I think one of the most common questions that an atheist gets asked is, “Why do you care?” Most people seem to assume that because we disbelieve in any deity, we shouldn’t care about what other people think of their gods or other people’s gods. I spend a lot of my time on YouTube, and I think it’s safe to say that many atheists who make videos about atheism and debunking videos and “coming out” videos and countless other subjects about religion care just as much as I do about religion. We’re people, and we’re allowed to have opinions as well.

Some people, like my girlfriend, couldn’t care less about religion (that is, until it starts infringing upon her rights as a woman). And I think that’s a fine attitude to have.

But why do I personally talk about atheism? Well, mostly because religious (or atheistic) philosophy fascinates me. I like to share that knowledge of what I’ve learned, even if it’s only within my own little circle of followers on WordPress. But I watched a Google Hangout recently by Finite Atticus on YouTube where he discussed whether or not atheists should be actively trying to “convert” people. I think I largely agree with what he says, that we shouldn’t be actively trying to convert people, but rather put questions out there to test their faith, and make them question their religion and belief.

Maybe some people don’t like that. Maybe I’m a gadfly. But I view what I write as a resource for someone else. Someone else who may have questions, or someone else who may share my views but don’t realize that there are others like that. Perhaps it might help someone who is on the fence de-convert. I view what I write as hopefully thought-provoking articles that make people think, “Is this right? Should I be doing this? Should I be supporting this?” My hope is that they will agree, but I will always welcome constructive criticisms that set me straight and tell me where I’m wrong, if in fact I am.

I don’t really know where my blog is aimed, or to whom it’s aimed. Sometimes I write for theists (primarily Christians), sometimes I write for atheists. But it’s there to hopefully provoke and promote dialogue between the two.

Philosophy, and I think specifically atheism, has led me to the point where my critical thinking and logical reasoning are at their finest up to this point. And I suppose I want to share that. I want to promote skeptical/logical/rational thinking, rather than swallow the answers that anyone else gave me. That isn’t to say that theists are irrational, illogical, or unthinking–far from it. But it just seems to me that a lot of answers are spoon-fed from religious leaders who have performed incredible mental gymnastics to reach the answers that they did. But I suppose that’s a post for another day, if I ever get around to it.

I’m sorry if this post kind of rambles. My general style is that I usually pick one very broad topic and then I write like a drunk man walks: aaaalllll over the place. But in any case, I hope you’ve enjoyed reading, and stay tuned for my next post.

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